Parcel service

Ship worldwide with UPS UPS Standard What does this service entail? Reasonably fast home delivery worldwide. You can hand in these shipments at a service point for delivery. You can request a fixed collection from 10 euros per week. It is also possible to schedule an incidental collection with UPS from as little as one package. Features of this method: • One delivery attempt, then the shipment goes to a service point • Includes signature upon receipt Maximum dimensions: • Maximum weight 32 KG • Maximum volume weight 70 KG • Maximum dimensions 100 x 76 cm (L x W), maximum circumference 300 cm For a more detailed overview of the conditions, I recommend that you read the surcharges and conditions article carefully. bluestripe__2_.png UPS Standard to Access Point What does this service entail? Reasonably fast delivery to a service point worldwide. You can do these shipments hand it in at a service point for delivery. You can get a permanent one from 10 euros per week request collection. It is also possible to schedule an incidental collection with UPS from just one package. Features of this method: • Includes signature upon receipt Maximum dimensions: • Maximum dimensions 80 cm length / 220 diameter • Maximum actual weight of 20 KG • Maximum volume weight 70 KG
Via the homepage it is possible to quickly gain insight into the standard shipments sent with DPD. The tracking code for this can be found on the issued shipping receipt. To do this, use the part from 05 followed by the 12 other numbers.
Our packages are sent by registered mail as standard. This means that the recipient of the package must sign for this. A misunderstanding is that a registered package may only be offered to the addressee. The delivery person may choose to deliver the package to the neighbors or a DPD parcel shop. You will always receive a message in your mailbox.
DHL letterbox package The letterbox package is an affordable shipping option that requires your customer not to be at home doesn t have to be. Send your products that fit through the letterbox and weigh a maximum of 2 kg weigh? Then the DHL letterbox package including Track & Trace is an attractive option shipping option. You and your customer can track every status of the package. Sizeand DHL letterbox package The package must of course fit through the letterbox. The maximum dimensions for a letterbox package via DHL is therefore: L38 x W26.5 x H3.2 cm. The minimal dimensions are L10 x W5 x H0.5. The letterbox package may not be heavier than 2 kg. NB! If you create a label as a DHL letterbox package and the package is larger, then: you will receive an additional tax from DHL. Avoid surcharges by choosing the right shipping option choose your products.
Sending packages to consumers DHLForYou (within the Netherlands) What does this service entail? Home delivery within 48 hours to private addresses. You can get your packages hand it in at a DHL parcel shop. For this you choose DHLForYou Drop-Off. You send under the same conditions as regular DHLForYou shipments. From 100 shipments per month you can request a fixed collection. Features of this method: • Delivery from Monday to Saturday (excluding public holidays) • One delivery attempt during the day • Return costs are €1.25 + regular shipping costs • Not insured as standard Maximum dimensions: • Maximum weight: 20 KG • No minimum dimensions • Maximum dimensions: 80x50x35 cm (L-W-H) (volume content maximum 150 liters)
DPD Home, return to Parcelshop: You can hand in DPD parcels at one of the DPD parcel shops in your area. Find the nearest parcel shop here. The conditions: • Maximum belt circumference 300 cm (1 xL + 2xW + 2xH) • Maximum length 175 cm or check the calculator on the DPD website Dutch  ∎ Search Articles in this section ▾ • Maximum weight 20 KG - 31.5KG (PLEASE NOTE! Ask your parcel shop up to what weight you can surrender) • Including insurance up to €520 within Europe 4 • Includes signature upon receipt • Shipment is presented once and then delivered to a service point DPD Home, pick-up: With DPD Home, your parcels are collected for free from a monthly volume of 300 shipments. The conditions: • Maximum belt circumference 300 cm (1xL + 2xW + 2xH) • Longest side 175 cm, check the calculator to be sure • Maximum weight 31.5 KG • Free collection • Including insurance up to €520 within Europe • Includes signature upon receipt • Shipment is presented once and then delivered to a service point DPD Express You can use DPD Express if your shipments arrive before 6 p.m day you want to offer. NB! These shipments must be delivered before 10:00 am are created. Transit times & General Transport Conditions Do you want to know how long the package will take to reach your customer? Then check the DPD transit times. Like every carrier, DPD has drawn up a document with General Transport conditions. If you deviate from the conditions, a surcharge will be charged afterwards charged to your invoice. When you ship with DPD, you ship automatically agree to the conditions below:
Sending packages within the Netherlands PostNL Standard 0-23KG / 23-31.5KG What does this service entail? Home delivery within 48 hours, anywhere in mainland Netherlands. This You can hand in shipments at a service point for delivery. From 400 shipments per You can request a fixed collection every month. Features of this method: • Two delivery attempts • Not insured as standard • Inquiry for domestic shipments has a lead time of 7 days Maximum dimensions: • Maximum weight 23 KG • Maximum dimensions 100 x 70 x 58 cm (L x W x H) For a more detailed overview of the conditions, I recommend that you read the surcharges and conditions article carefully. PostNL service point 0-23KG / 23-31.5KG What does this service entail? Delivery to a service point within 48 hours, anywhere on the mainland The Netherlands. You can hand in these shipments at a service point for delivery. From 400 shipments per month you can request a fixed collection. Features of this method: • One delivery attempt at the service point • Not insured as standard • Inquiry for domestic shipments has a lead time of 7 days Maximum dimensions: • Maximum weight 23 KG • Maximum dimensions 100 x 70 x 58 cm (L x W x H)
Ship worldwide with UPS UPS Standard What does this service entail? Reasonably fast home delivery worldwide. You can hand in these shipments at a service point for delivery. You can request a fixed collection from 10 euros per week. It is also possible to schedule an incidental collection with UPS from as little as one package. Features of this method: • One delivery attempt, then the shipment goes to a service point • Includes signature upon receipt Maximum dimensions: • Maximum weight 32 KG • Maximum volume weight 70 KG • Maximum dimensions 100 x 76 cm (L x W), maximum circumference 300 cm ForFor a more detailed overview of the conditions, I recommend that you check the surcharges and conditions article carefully. bluestripe__2_.png UPS Standard to Access Point What does this service entail? Reasonably fast delivery to a service point worldwide. You can do these shipments hand it in at a service point for delivery. You can get a permanent one from 10 euros per week request collection. It is also possible to schedule an incidental collection with UPS from just one package. Features of this method: • Includes signature upon receipt Maximum dimensions: • Maximum dimensions 80 cm length / 220 diameter • Maximum actual weight of 20 KG • Maximum volume weight 70 KG
Everything starts with the choice of packaging. This is the first defense against "aggressions" (shocks, friction, rain, etc.). Usually a cardboard with double ribs is recommended for large, heavy and long packages. Cardboard with a single rib is sufficient for medium and light shipments. To dampen the shocks in the inside of the box, it is important to clamp the object(s). Crumpled kraft paper is suitable for heavy objects; for small, fragile objects we prefer foil with large air bubbles. Don t forget to spread the weight well in the package, especially if you have multiple items in one package. The heavier an object, the more it belongs centrally and at the bottom.
The day on which we deliver your package depends on the day on which the package was sent by the sender. We deliver packages as standard from Monday to Friday. At the sender s request, it is possible to inform you when we will visit and to deliver packages on Saturdays.
Extremely vulnerable goods, such as glass, ceramics or porcelain, are always excluded from insurance. If you have any doubts, we are happy to help you via the contact form. Ask your question via the contact form
If the sender of your package uses the Predict service, you will be informed about the day and time period in which delivery will take place. Although we will do our utmost to deliver your package, it remains an indication. Due to unforeseen circumstances, it is possible that there will be a delay.
If you are not present, the delivery person will try to deliver your package to the neighbors, so that you can receive your package quickly. If we managed to deliver your package to the neighbors, we will inform you about this. If this is not possible, we will deliver your package to a Pickup parcel shop.
We send all our packages within the Netherlands and most of Europe with DPD as standard. Other packages are sent via PostNL. International express packages are always sent with UPS. A standard package sent with DPD always has a tracking code that starts with 05.. and consists of a total of 14 digits. A PostNL shipment is always provided with a 3S code. To trace this you also need the recipient s zip code.

Letter post

Registered letters are sent via PostNL and can be delivered at home or to a PO box. Track PostNL registered letter Use the recipient s 3S tracking code and zip code for this.
A registered letter is generally delivered within 24 hours within the Netherlands. However, this is not a guarantee item and PostNL may therefore take longer than 24 hours to deliver. If you want to use warranty post, this is possible via UPS.